Thursday, September 1, 2016

The above link is a message from Extra Terrestrials who live in the Pleaidian star system in the constellation of Gemini.  They are from a very advanced civilizations.....many of them actually since the star system is quite large. I apologize for any distress this particular message may cause. It is predicting a very dramatic change for Earth that is to happen in the next few years. It will take decades for the people left on earth to reform a better society that is more in line with honoring the eternal spirit within each person. I am just the messenger doing what I can to inform people so they can prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I have been listening to messages from 4 different star system for 5 years. (Andomeda, Siruis, Pleaides and Arcturius) At first I was very skeptical as you can imagine. But the more I listened the more I could see that the messages were consistent between them all as to what they were explaining. Several ascended masters, Saint Germain, Jesus and Mary Magdalene have referred to the extra terrestrials as being willing to help us and the earth with their knowledge of the eternal spirit and their technology.

Messages from the Archangels also have been given to humanity as we approach a time of intense cleansing of our planet so that we can form a more sustainable and eco friendly environment for humanity. Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriele and Archangel Uriel along with Archangel Zadkiel have been offering lessons to assist us as well.

All of what I have been listening to dovetails with what I know as an astrologer to be valid so I have come to trust the sources of these messages. If they are correct in their guidance then we are about to enter a time of tremendous upheaval as we enter the Age of Aquarius. Not a big surprise to me since Aquarius is a sign of extremes and so it would follow that the entrance full on into the 2000 year Age of Aquarius would begin with some huge extremes on this planet.

The Rabit Hole goes very deep and I have immersed myself in it to try and understand what the truth is. Truth is synonymous with the sign Aquarius as the whistle blowers around the world risk their lives to tell us what is really going happening. There will be full disclosure soon as to the many secrets the world governments have kept from us.

The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd
I have books to recommend for those new to this information.
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield;postID=5897706697332501875

The Pleidian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow

The New Age Herbalist compiled by several experts

The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Various books on Archangels by Doreen Virtue and others

Monday, June 27, 2016


I am beginning once again to share information with all who would like to understand the current events in the physical and spiritual world. We are going to be blessed with something we all were told was impossible. In school we are taught that a Utopian society is impossible. And indeed it is a lie. One of many lies that we as a planet have been told and convinced of. The rabbit hole goes very deep in this lesson so bear with me as I explain the disclosure about to happen this year about all the misinformation that has been programmed into the minds of humanity.

There is a world within the earth that is a Utopian society, complete with a small Sun, 800 mile long polar openings and millions of souls in physical bodies that do not age because the weather there is perfect in temperature (always in the mid 70's), There is no night. There is no disease. You see, the theory is that every planet and moon has within it a naturally occurring empty space with it's own central sun. This central sun is compared to a nucleus of an atom.

Below is a link to a video made by a man who has lived in the inner earth....called Agartha.

The reason that gravity has been such a perplexing concept to explain for scientists is that they are unaware for the most part of these hollow spaces. The center of gravity is believed to exist 400 miles into the crust of the earth. Then there is another 400 miles of crust between the top of earth and the hollow space in the earth. 

There are 6 man made tunnels on the surface of Earth that lead into Agartha as shown in this drawing of the layers and tunnels and land mass inside the Earth. The polar openings are very large as you can see from this drawing. Admiral Byrd visited the hollow earth as well as Hitler in the 1940's. It is well documented in the book that Admiral Byrd wrote that wasn't released until his death. 

NASA knows of inner earth and blurs out any sign of the very large polar openings (100 miles wide approximately) on both the south and north poles of both the earth and the moon. The US knows of the civilizations living within the hollow earth and uses the tunnels under Area 51 to access it. 

To help us all enter into this Golden Age of Aquarius that will usher in a thousand or more years of peace and enable the people within the earth and on top of the earth to increase their vibrations to enter the 4th and 5th dimensions, there are light codes inundating the solar system with a mathematical code that is changing our DNA. The people within the earth are referred to as Agarthans by the angels and they yearn to help us in this time of great change for the good of humanity.

The dark cabal/Illuminati/Reptilians/Annunaki who have ruled this world for thousands of years has fallen. The efforts of the angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Light Workers, Twin Flames in union have been working non stop for thousands of years to intervene on behalf of humanity at our request in prayer to restore peace and enlightenment to Earth. Even though things look very dark and violent now it is the last stand for the dark cabal and the contrast of the light showing the evil for what it is. The corruption on Earth is going to end completely in the next few years. 

Here is a link to a message from Archangel Gabriel concerning the coming events.

Our solar system enters a band of photon light every 13,000 years that coincides with the Age of Leo and the Age of Aquarius. We are in the Age of Aquarius now and will be for the next 2000 years. It brings a golden age of enlightenment as it increases the rate of Earth's vibrations. Light is synonymous with love and so we are all being lifted into a world where humanity will have much more compassion and love. 

Here is an brief explanation by Mary Magdalene.

March 17, 2016  "Good morning, Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come into your frequency I see that you are holding your light upon this most powerful day. I wish to speak about your light codes that are coming into this planet, and the power of this energy that is affecting your human body and your own psyche. I know that we’ve spoken very heavily about these energies, but it is very important to understand that these light codes have those what we call [unclear] forms in the light frequencies, and this pattern is quite unique for there is a mathematical equation that is being brought forward into your own DNA. What is happening is that it is the energy of what we call original creation, of how everything was designed and created within the universe. And these powerful light codes are now being infused within your pineal, your pituitary, and within your own DNA."

Saturday, May 28, 2016


ZORRA'S GLOBAL MEDITATION 01/25 by HOLLOW * EARTH * NETWORK | Spirituality Podcasts: UNITY OF INTENTION - 20-MINUTES EVERY DAY! 3:00 PM PACIFIC - ALL TOGETHER - GLOBALLY - DAILY - AT THE SAME TIME! Zorra's message to me following the Sunday 20-minute Global Meditation: The power of this group meditation lies in bringing people into one accord. Synchronize your time zones with 3 PM Pacific and, together, globally - DAILY - listen to this meditation with the group intention to continue this until your Blessing appears. The Power of One Intent, in LOVE, directs Creation. The regular Zorra shows have ended, however... EVERY ZORRA SHOW IS ARCHIVED April 2 2011 - July 13 2013: CALLS July 13 2013 to Present: www, Our Hollow Earth Network website (HEN): Our Galactic sister-site: Mother Earth is Ascending and so must we. Most new listeners have found it helpful to listen to ALL of the recorded calls. This enables each of us to retain the same base of information and the knowingness it brings. Welcome to Hollow Earth Network.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Angels April-09-2016 by Ann Albers Galactic Federation of Light

Sing with the Universe

The Earth is in tune just as any instrument is fine tuned. It is tuned to sound of the solar system which in turn is tuned into the galaxy we live in. To stay in tune with the rest of the Universe, earth's frequency is increasing as we become aware of the 4th and 5th dimensions in which we exist.

The dense nature of reality is becoming less dense as we enter a new golden age in the photon band of the central suns.....referred to as a "tsunami of love" by Yeshua (Jesus). The upgrade is so intense that many thousands of angels and lightworkers, master souls and ascended masters, are using their abilities to funnel the energy safely to us. The electronic infrastructure of the world is very delicate as are the peoples' nervous systems.

We are are learning how to attune our bodies to the Earth and the Sun, the Moon, the planets, asteroids and to the central Suns from which we were born. Our inner ears are learning to recognize the sound of the vibrations of the 4th and 5th dimensions that were lost to us 13.000 years ago when Atlantis sunk and our DNA sequences were altered by a race of aliens so that they could control us with wars and debt.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I have posted some videos to this blog that are very powerful in aiding the understanding of how to manifest the conditions that your eternal spirit needs to continue on the path that is best for you and all of humanity. There is no separation between the Divine and his creations except for the ones we have been taught to believe are true. Living in the present moment is the key to connecting to the blissful connection we all share.

The best example to mention is the experience the birth of a newborn baby and how those who care for the baby are brought into the present and must stay there to nurture the newborn. To witness the birth of a baby is a blessing beyond measure. Many parents and grandparents remark and  will be aware of the healing that they receive from a newborn.  In this way we are blessed by the newborn soul far more than they are. The soul that is newly incarnated is aware of their connection to the Divine and retain that awareness for several years.

These first years bring immense gifts to those who care for babies and toddlers that carry a potential to infuse the physical world with the Divine. Recently the children and babies being born have chosen to be a part of the shift in consciousness as earth and all of the solar system increase the frequency of it's vibration. We must do so and with the aid of the souls here for that purpose who have made it their purpose to aid the huge shift that is coming in the next few years. Actually it is only weeks away in March when things will begin to change quickly as two eclipses occur and will allow humanity to be impacted very strongly financially and spiritually. Hold on tight, folks, there will be turbulence as we adjust to the divine intervention similar to the one Noah's family was given.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Violet Flame Meditation

Violet Flame Meditation

This post contains a link to a video that I believe is truly channeled by Saint Germain. He is famous for having lived hundreds of years in Europe during the middle ages and through the revolutionary movement in Europe. He teaches the concept of the Violet Flame, which transforms every bit of life into love itself, purifying the soul.  This sacred fire radiates from the sacred heart space that resides within all. It is the I AM presence. The divine spark of our Creator.

 He is so humble and wise that the spoken meditation strongly seems to contain a palpable uplifting force.  It is soothing and nurturing and so very caring of each soul listening. Love is the only real, eternal thing. Everything is love and as the Beatles said it best "Love is All You Need." There is only the love and bliss of our creator and we his creations that he loves unconditionally. Our higher self is fully connected to the Divine always and we can awaken it to heal ourselves of pain and fear that blocks us from feeling the bliss of God.

With Mercury stationary yesterday and today, we are sensing that soon something will ichange in the world. We are living in historic times at the middle of a cycle of 80 years; similar to a reboot of the earth that triggers a time where souls awaken and the battle of the oppressed masses demands their freedom. The next few months much will breakdown and transform into a more sustainable and humane form in each area of life on earth. We need to be ready to respond in faith rather than react in fear.

This time we are in the Age of Aquarius and so extremes of all sorts are common. Bisexuality is honored as an a sacred path in life and I predict that in 2000 years bixexuality will be the standard and heterosexuality will be in the minority.