The above link is a message from Extra Terrestrials who live in the Pleaidian star system in the constellation of Gemini. They are from a very advanced civilizations.....many of them actually since the star system is quite large. I apologize for any distress this particular message may cause. It is predicting a very dramatic change for Earth that is to happen in the next few years. It will take decades for the people left on earth to reform a better society that is more in line with honoring the eternal spirit within each person. I am just the messenger doing what I can to inform people so they can prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I have been listening to messages from 4 different star system for 5 years. (Andomeda, Siruis, Pleaides and Arcturius) At first I was very skeptical as you can imagine. But the more I listened the more I could see that the messages were consistent between them all as to what they were explaining. Several ascended masters, Saint Germain, Jesus and Mary Magdalene have referred to the extra terrestrials as being willing to help us and the earth with their knowledge of the eternal spirit and their technology.
Messages from the Archangels also have been given to humanity as we approach a time of intense cleansing of our planet so that we can form a more sustainable and eco friendly environment for humanity. Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriele and Archangel Uriel along with Archangel Zadkiel have been offering lessons to assist us as well.
All of what I have been listening to dovetails with what I know as an astrologer to be valid so I have come to trust the sources of these messages. If they are correct in their guidance then we are about to enter a time of tremendous upheaval as we enter the Age of Aquarius. Not a big surprise to me since Aquarius is a sign of extremes and so it would follow that the entrance full on into the 2000 year Age of Aquarius would begin with some huge extremes on this planet.
The Rabit Hole goes very deep and I have immersed myself in it to try and understand what the truth is. Truth is synonymous with the sign Aquarius as the whistle blowers around the world risk their lives to tell us what is really going happening. There will be full disclosure soon as to the many secrets the world governments have kept from us.
The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd
I have books to recommend for those new to this information.
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield;postID=5897706697332501875
The Pleidian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow
The New Age Herbalist compiled by several experts
The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Various books on Archangels by Doreen Virtue and others