Monday, September 6, 2021

New Virgo Moon

 New Moon in Virgo

As I begin this post it is just half an hour before the New Virgo Moon where I am and I am not surprised to find myself working through this New Virgo Moon since work is extremely important and vital to Virgo. 

The Virgin guards her precious energy and uses it judiciously. But she works very diligently to organize and categorize the puzzle before her. 

The puzzle before me is a very monumental one that I have been watching fall into place for many years. 2012 contained an immense boost in the metaphysical energies that are orchestrating the war we see occurring between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. 

Since then the Cosmic Ascension waves hitting Earth have multiplied manifold as is seen in the Schuman Resonance spikes...something is increasing the frequency at which we and all life on earth resonate.  It is the photon belt that we traverse every 12,000 years in order that a Golden Age can occur. All illusion and evil is exposed and the truth is known. And here we are right now.

We have entered the Age of Aquarius and I am fairly certain that some very dramatic events will occur since Aquarius is about extremes. It is also freedom and equality for all along with absolute truth. 

Many human bodies have struggled with the symptoms of anxiety, headaches, emotional meltdowns, etc.  Many have been overwhelmed by these energies and have passed over. 

The Star Wars movies are lessons for the masses to influence them as to the nature of life outside the earth and are probably pretty close to real life in the Cosmos since there is a rich and varied amount of species within the humanoid faction alone.

The Third World War is happening mostly in the next dimension but may break through to the physical world soon. The New Virgo Moon happening today is packed full of powerful transformative energy! 

The long wait for those who have patiently waited and prayed and envisioned Trump back as President is soon to be over. The world will be thrown into Chaos of course over this. 

I would like to interject here that people in general should take note that Trump supporters have not been violent even though they knew that the election was stolen. Please take note of what happens when the shoe is on the other foot to know where the corruption lies. 

I know that the election was stolen from Trump and so do most of those who are paying attention to what is happening since the election in 2020. 

The whole world know this! Banners show up at big league ball games and various other places all over the world saying "Trump Won". We have gone so far into the woo of this paradox that something huge seems to be looming ahead of us in order to right the wrong.

The powers that be will not allow this wrong to continue...especially with direction that things are going in lately because of this theft. 

New Moon In Virgo - Is it useful? - (

The link above is a newsletter assessment of the New Virgo Moon by a very talented astrologer. 

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