Based in Greek Mythology, the star charts show the head of Medussa (so ugly was her head with snakes instead of hair, that anyone who looked at it would turn to stone) clutched under the left arm of Perseus ("The Rescurer"). The Chinese, who likely had the oldest astrological tradition in the world, saw in Taurus what they called Beta Persei as Tsi Chi, the heaped up corpses, which spanned the 17th to the 29th degree in Taurus, which they called Ta-ling (The Great Burial Trench).To the Hebrews it was Rosh ha Satan, Satan's Head.
"Over and over, the stars in their sky-picture dominions reliably perform as they have for centuries, and no one can fathom why. Did the ancient priests and shamans (personified in the legend of the old centaur Chiron, traditional designer of the constellations), pattern these pictures according to observed events on Earth? Or is the universe a mind? Are we synapses in the brain of God?"
Looking at my client's natal chart, I was not at all surprised to find that Mars (ruler of the natal Moon and square her Ascendant) at the time of birth was one degree from Caput Algol. Finally it seemed there was an explanation as to what this child was experiencing. It was as if the child was witnessing a traumatic and horrific event on a deep emotional level that was inaccessible to those nearby attempting to help and/or fathom what it was that gripped her so tightly she could not breathe or speak, her throat swollen from crying and sobbing. It is notable to mention that the person I am speaking of is gifted with a strong 6th sense which no doubt was pivotal in these experiences.
Even though this article uses astrological language, I think it is understandable. If not, take it from an astrologer who does know the lingo, the author of said article is quite accurate and thorough as he builds quite a remarkable case study by correlating events to the influence of this particular star.
I decided to study the charts of my clients and found one that stood out of a child who for no logical reason appeared to have an emotional reflex that would trigger a very long (and unresponsive to parental efforts to soothe the child) hysterical crying session from the age of 18months to adulthood. This person was eventually able to minimize the frequency of these episodes with maturity but they still recur under extreme emotional stress. Breathing became very difficult at these times which further frightened the child, now an adult. It was quite puzzling and of course devastating for both the child and parents in the grip of these episodes.
I apologize for the graphic nature of much of this post, but at the same time I feel a need to share with you the history of Algol. The world is at the brink of turmoil unlike anything experienced in many thousands of years because the shift of the Earth's axis has begun. I will make a study of how this malevolent star factors in to the 7 squares Uranus will make to Pluto in the next 4 years, which will be the catalyst for unprecedented turmoil inside and upon the surface of our mother, the Earth. I will report my findings on this blog.
Please keep in mind that there is a Divine Order in the Universe under which all things serve a purpose. In the Christian Bible is a verse that states there is a time for everything. Please take note that in this famous quote from Ecclesiastes 3 Verses 1-8, there is no mention of there being a time for fear. I believe that is because fear appears to separate us from our connection to our Creator. Of course nothing can separate us from God but fear blocks our ability to accept and adapt to changes that are beyond our control. Fear feeds our egos and creates an illusion that we are alone and are helpless victims, which allows us to do horrible things to ourselves and others.
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