Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Inevitable - Uranus Square Pluto Random Miracles and Violence

I became acutely aware today that all of us on earth are entering a period of entropy as the world around us becomes very disordered, where random acts of violence are balanced naturally by miracles. Uranus is currently 1 degree and 14 minutes from being in an exact 90 degree Square angle to Pluto. Both planets are in apparent retrograde motion with Uranus gaining speed as it goes backwards to reach 4 degrees 17 minutes on August 6th as Pluto is at 5 degrees 17 minutes. Luckily, Uranus and Pluto will separate from this near exact Square by late August and will not make an exact Square Until June 24th, 2012. With Venus also retrograde all of June, 2012, I am intending to reach as many couples planning June weddings to let them know of the double trouble in that month that they would want to avoid.

As I looked at the news today, I realized that the first taste of a Square between these outer planets in our lifetime, had begun in earnest. My son and daughter-in-law witnessed a miracle on Monday as their trapeze instructor scaled the Williamsburg Bridge in NYC and performed a daring act with what a long white silk fabric used in aerialist performances. Here is the link.

She performed brilliantly and the video was uploaded to Youtube. I am using her stunt as an example of how the intense energy between Uranus and Pluto can be used in creative, seemingly impossible, daring and yet positive ways. Uranus rules miracles and no doubt many people will rise to the occasion and utilize the intense energy in the Square from Uranus to Pluto in breath taking, miraculous ways. Many events will border on the selfless rescue side, as with the newly married Duke of Cambridge in his rescue missions. I am certain he is very qualified and does his job very well, but the facts are that he must be at the top of his game at all times in the next 4 years as Uranus makes an exact square to Pluto 7 times.

In the news today, I saw atrocious events reported and was greatly disturbed by them. One of these events occurred very near my son and daughter in law, so of course I was aghast and have been processing this event and other events reported, while taking care of my daughter who is fighting a virus of some sort. A client of mine needed a bit of coaching and insight as well and so I went into super mom/astrologer mode, relying on my intuition and not thinking as much as just doing what felt right while still trying to process today's tragic news.

I feel overwhelmed by the fact that we are at the beginning of 4 years of intensely transforming and random natural disasters, random violence and of course random miracles. The dates for the 7 Squares that Uranus makes to Pluto are as follows:

June 24, 2012
September 19, 2012
May 21, 2013
November 2, 2013
April 22, 2014
December 15, 2014
March 17, 2015

As I said, I am feeling quite overwhelmed and need to center myself with meditation and more prayer. I called Silent Unity and the prayer with them was extremely helpful as always. They answer their phone 24/7 to pray with you for any problem you are struggling with. The prayer is then sent to their prayer tower where there are very devoted people who continue to pray for each specific problem for 30 days. I highly recommend them! Their number is 1-800-669-7729.

Remember that all things really do work together for the good of all humanity. During the tumultuous years ahead, it is vital for as many people as possible to keep themselves uplifted and accept the dramatic changes in all areas of their lives. If you feel overwhelmed, let out your fears and anxieties in whatever non violent way works for you. Cry, scream into a pillow, run around the block, meditate while imagining that you are in a wonderful peaceful place, practice yoga regularly, dance in a free form ecstatic group (quite popular in many cities), shed your clothing to feel more intensely the flow of Spirit all around and through everyone everywhere and pray fervently for help from the Angelic realm and of course, from our Creator. The Earth we live upon and depend upon is no longer sustainable financially, ecologically or from a humanitarian perspective.

When the last of the Squares from Uranus to Pluto has passed, we will have all learned how strong we are, how to adapt, how to listen to our intuition and support each other and our Mother Earth. Keep this vision in your mind and keep the faith no matter what comes your way, our new world order will be one we can be proud of as we rebuild it together in loving and compassionate cooperation.

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